Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another great testimonial!

Cruz Control Lifestyle Management offered the support and motivation I needed to accomplish my healthy lifestyle goals. After my first year in University I was sick and tired of feeling, sick! And tired! I decided I needed to acquire the knowledge to sustain new healthy eating and active habits. Here, Cruz Control helped me reach my initial goal of losing 40 pounds in 4 months and then exceed it by losing a total of 60 pounds just a few months after beginning my 2nd year at University. Cruz Control taught me weight training techniques, which helped transform my 225 pounds of 29% body fat, and 45/46 waist –hip ratio into a lean 165 pound body with 8% body fat and a 32/33 waist –hip ratio. Through this healthy lifestyle management shift, I came to appreciate my development into an ambitious academic, writer, actor, dancer, as well as supportive friend, brother and son. After 18 years of coasting by, I finally felt and continue to feel as though I have arrived at the best time in my life with both the mental and physical stamina to conquer anything I set my mind too. Thank you Greg, I am forever thankful for your continued support in my healthy lifestyle management.